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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Morning

Delays at work meant I had a little free time this morning, and so I went for a drive. The Land Rover roared along comfortably at 80 kmh, the coolant temperature stayed normal, and was all-in-all a very nice beast to have out-and-about. The engine is a bit weak on a steeper hill, losing about 3 kmh in 4th gear when starting the hill at 80 kmh. On higher hills I think it would lose more. (I still haven't tried to find the top level-ground speed of the Land Rover, and so don't know how fast it will actually go. My rationale is that there is no point straining something too much: this is, after all, an original 1960 engine with original components....)

It's still the honeymoon period with the vehicle, and so, of course, I took pictures. : )

A post-drive check showed one rear brake drum hotter than the other, which means it's time to reset the brakes for the first time.

Below, the Land Rover in the general environment it has known since since arriving here in 1960.

Nice little yellow summer house.

The one-lane bridge at Kingston Mills lock, with one of the original guard towers known as a "Blockhouse", dating from about 1853, in the background. If you'd like to know more about this historic Rideau Canal Waterway lock, see here.

A view of Colonel By Lake, by the locks. If you look very closely, you can see a Land Rover parked in the foreground. : )